How to Use Vine Tracking with Third Party Cookie Consent Dialog and GTM
Note: Make sure your pages include the Vine script.
Please go to the Cookie Consent pane in Web Site->Settings and turn the Use Vine Cookie Consent Dialog switch to the OFF position to disable Vine Consent Dialog.
To comply with the European GDPR law, Vine cookies can not be saved until you call Vine.allowCookies();
in your JavaScript code.
Allowing Vine Cookies
Create a tag in Google Tag Manager that will run a special Vine script to allow cookies and you will need a trigger to fire that tag when the visitor accepts cookies in your consent dialog.
I. In Google Tag Manager, create a new Custom HTML tag to allow cookies:
- Give it a name: “call allowCookies”
- Select Custom HTML as the tag type.
- Copy the following script into the HTML box :
GTM script to allow Vine cookies
<script type="text/plain" src="" data-cookieconsent="marketing" async></script>
- Save and publish in GTM.
II. Now you need a trigger to fire that GTM tag. Please refer to the documentation of your cookie consent system how to configure the firing trigger.
(One general way to fire a GTM tag which works in all cases, but requires some coding is described here.)
Denying Vine Cookies
If the visitor does not accept marketing (tracking) cookies in your consent dialog then you do not need to do anything to deny cookies as they are denied by default until you explicitly allow those with a Vine.allowCookies();
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