How to Use Third Party Tracking with Vine Cookie Consent Dialog without GTM
Note: Make sure your pages include the Vine script.
Please go to the Cookie Consent pane in Web Site->Settings and turn the Use Vine Cookie Consent Dialog switch to the ON position to enable and then configure the Vine Consent dialog.
If you are using not only Vine tracking then to comply with the GDPR law you need to prevent third party tracking scripts to be loaded until the user clicks Accept in the Vine consent dialog.
If you are not using Google Tag Manager, then you need to create a function that will be called after the visitor clicks Accept in the Vine Consent Dialog (and after a page loads with cookies accepted). This function has to be passed to VineCookieConsentHandlers as follows:
Integrating 3rd Party Tracking with Vine Consent
<script >
function VineConsentGiven(){
//do what is needed after user accepted cookies in Vine Consent dialog
console.log( 'cookie consent given' );
window.VineCookieConsentHandlers = window.VineCookieConsentHandlers || [];
window.VineCookieConsentHandlers.push( VineConsentGiven );
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