Attributes for some Special Fields
Submit Button Attributes
The Submit button is present on every form and you cannot remove it.

Besides the general field attributes, such as Alignment, the Submit button includes the following special attributes:
- Use Label to give a name to the button that submits the form.
- Use Submit position to locate the Submit button relative to the full form row or to one of its two columns (which divide the form in half). Using this setting you can, for instance, tune the alignment of the Submit button inside each column or in full row.
- You can add padding, text and background colors, as well as text and background colors when you move your mouse pointer over the button.
- Use Submit Action to define what will happen when the user clicks the Submit button on your form:
- Select Reload current page in cases when you want to reload the page. For example, in a login form on a landing page where an anonymous user can log in and the page will reload customized to the identified user.
- Select Redirect to saved landing page if you want a selected landing page to load when the user clicks Submit. Use the Target field to configure how and where the page has to be opened.
- Select Redirect to another page if you want a web page to be opened when the user clicks Submit. Provide the web address of this page in the URL field and configure how and where the page has to be opened using the Target field.
- Select Show text and enter text to be shown when the user clicks Submit on your web form.
- Select None if you want Submit to do nothing.
Reset Known Person
Add the Reset Known Person field so that the user can change the current person. (For example, in cases when a new person uses the form in a browser where already the id of another user is stored in a cookie). This field is shown only for identified persons.

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