Checkbox types
You can select the following types for a checkbox field:
- Folder. Specify a database folder which the form user will be
included into. You can find a folder by its name. Allows to select an existing folder or create a new one.
Type the name or partial name in the Folder: edit box and matching folders will appear in the list below where you can select the one you need or click Create if you need a new folder: - Event. You can select an event from the Event drop-down list. The form user will be
connected to the event you selected.
Open the list and select the event you need. - Tag. You can select an existing tag from the Tag list or click Create to make a new tag. The form user will be
tagged (added to the tagged folder you selected).

Checkbox Grouping
You can group several check-boxes on the same form and require a number of those to be selected before the user can click Submit. (For example, it is often reasonable to require at least one check-box selected.)
To group checkboxes:
- Add checkboxes to the form.
- Use the Group attribute field to enter the same group name for each checkbox.
- Use the Min. checked field to specify how many checkboxes you require to be selected minimum for this group.

This form will require from the user to select at least one checkbox:

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