How to Add Trigger to Catch Vine Form Submit in Google Tag Manager
How to tell GTM to listen to the Vine form submit event.
In order for the Vine event to be sent, please select Google Analytics in the form settings and then fill in the Event Category and Event Action fields.

In GTM, you can create a new trigger that will activate when the form submit button is clicked:
- In your workspace, please select Triggers in the left side menu and click New.
- Give the trigger a name, for example: Vine Form Event Trigger
- Select Custom Event as the trigger type
- Select the trigger to fire on All Custom Events
- For the Event name field, use the concatenated combination of the event's Category and Action fields as follows : "Event Category"_"Event Action":
- Click Save to create the trigger.
Your trigger should look as follows:

You can use this trigger in GTM tags.
For example, to create a tag using the "Vine Form Event Trigger":
- Please select Tags in the left side menu and click New.
- Give the tag a name, for example: “Do smth on Vine Form event”
- Select tag type, for example: "custom HTML" and enter any html to be shown when the trigger activates.
- Select Vine Form Event Trigger as a firing trigger.
- Save and publish in GTM.
Your tag should look as follows:

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