Questions Page
This page lists questions together with linked answers.
Adding Questions
To add a question:
- Open the Questions tab, click and select New Question
- Enter a question in the Question field
- Click any matched answer if you want it to be the answer for your question or type a new answer in the Answer field.
Now MA will check your answer against all available answers and will suggest the best matched answers as Matching to answer. - You can click any found answer if you want to use it as the answer for your question.
Select Do not suggest as a possible match if you do not want the question to be included as a clickable suggestion when the bot finds possible matches.
- Make sure that Only Text Answer is selected for a simple text answer.
- Click OK to store the question-answer pair to the database.
MA will match your question to all available questions, will find the best matches and will suggest answers for those best matched questions as Matching to question.
Adding a Form to Answer
You can configure your chatbot to show a web form when answering specific visitor questions:
Select Add Form to Answer if you want one of your forms to be added after the text answer:
Select a web form from the list or click Create if you want a new form. You can also click Edit to change the form.
For a form used in a chatbot answer, it is recommended to use the Show Text and Redirect as Submit button actions.
Adding Suggestions to Answer
You can configure a question to be answered by a set of clickable suggestions. For example, when you want the visitor to pick one choice from many:
Select Add Suggestions to Answer if you want clickable suggestions to be added after the text answer:
Enter a new suggested question or select one from the list of existing questions. You can start typing to show only matching suggestions in the list:
Click + to add one more suggestion or click - next to a suggestion you want to remove:
Click OK to save the question.
Removing an Answer
If you want to remove the answer from a question, then click for the question and select Clear Answer.
Importing Question-Answer Pairs from Excel File
- Open the Questions tab, click and select Import from Excel
- In the Import Excel page that will appear, review the needed steps and click Download.
- Download and open the Excel template:
- Enable editing, if needed, or create a new Excel file with the same structure, and then add data you want to import. You should not change the first row :
- Save the Excel file with your data and then click Browse... to find and load the Excel file you just saved.
- Click Import to load questions & answers from the file to the database:
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