Adding & Editing Chapter
Adding a chapter
Click Add in the left side pane to open the tab listing chapter types. Scroll to the chapter type you want to add and drag it to the place where you want to insert it in the editor:

Please note that there are two general types of chapters:
- Top chapter types only define the column layout of a chapter. You can add content there using the Block tab.
- Bottom chapter types define the layout and type of content allowed there. For now, you cannot add content blocks there.

Moving a Chapter
Select the chapter you want to move and click the Up arrow to move it up or the Down arrow to move it down.

Creating a Copy
Select the chapter you want to copy and click the Copy icon . A copy of the chapter will be inserted right after the current chapter.
Removing a Chapter
Select the chapter you want to remove and click the cross sign.
Editing Chapter Source Code
Select the chapter which HTML source code you want to change and click .

You can search and replace within the HTML source code. If you want to use regular expressions, you need to enter those between slashes (/).
Click Apply to activate the code changes and click Close to hide the code panel.
Adding and Removing Content Blocks
Adding Content Blocks
Content blocks can be added only to chapters with a preset column layout.
To add a block to a chapter:
- Click Block after you have added a chapter:
- Drag a content block to the needed place in the chapter. The drop location is highlighted with green color:

Removing Content Blocks
To remove a block, click inside it and then click :
Configuring Chapter Settings
Select the chapter you want to configure and click Chapter in the left side pane, to configure the chapter settings:

- Use the Show for list to set the chapter’s visibility settings. Use this, for example, when you want to show the same chapter but with different content for anonymous and identified visitors.
- For identified persons you can make the chapter visible only to those with a specific tag. For this, first, select Identified from the Show For list and then select a tag from the Show for persons who have tag list:

- Set the background color. You can select the needed color from the dialog or enter it by hex, or in rgb.

- Select Transparent Background if you want the background color to be transparent.
- Click
next to Wallpaper if you want to load an image to use as wallpaper for the chapter. Click
to remove the wallpaper image.

Selecting a Form
If a chapter template includes a form then click in the form DIV:

The Form tab will appear in the left side pane:

This list includes all web and bot forms available to you in Vine Marketing Automation. Please select a form from the list to use it in this chapter. Click + if you want to create a new form or click to edit the selected one.
Configuring CSS for Chapter Elements
You can specifically configure CSS for individual elements on your landing page.
Click inside an element you want to set CSS for.
The type of the selected element and its current styles will be shown on the Element tab:

Checkered background is shown for elements with no color set.
Select the needed inline style settings for the current element. To remove a specific style, click next to it.
When choosing a color for an element, you will see a choice of all colors already used on the current page. Simply click in the square with an already used color to pick it again for a new element:

Click anywhere outside of the dialog to confirm your color selection and close the dialog.
Hit Esc if you want to discard your selection and close the dialog.
Adding and Editing Images
Image placeholders must be replaced with your images:
- Select the placeholder (or the image) you want to replace:
- Click the Insert Image button
on the toolbar and locate your image file:
- Click OK.

You can also add an image from the web by entering its full web address(URL) in the Source field.
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