You use tools to work with objects. Tools are grouped in Tool Panes. Some of main tools have buttons on the Toolbar.
The Home map is a map used jointly by your company. Click the Home button on the Toolbar to open the Home map.
Search for an object by its name which can be supplemented by a name of a closely linked object: companies for persons and projects.
For example, to find a person, you can use any combination of the person's first name, last name and employer company in any order.
The search box of the tool is always available at the top bar of Vine:
Just type your search text in the box and press enter or click .
The tool will list found objects:
You can also open the tool, by choosing Find by Name in the FIND pane or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+F:
You can filter the search results by using the filter list. To open a found object, double-click it in the list.
The last name in the search box can be a partial name.
The Find by Contents tool is a Google-like search tool which returns objects in the database which have all the search words located anywhere and not only in their names. For example, you can use Find by Contents to locate a document if you know a combination of words from it.
To open the tool, click Find by Contents in the FIND pane :

Enter a combination of search words, click Find and you will get a list of objects whose contents includes all the search words. You can filter the search results by using the pop-up menu. To open a found object, double-click on its name in the list.
The tool does not open if Vine is in offline mode.
To open the Calendar, click the Calendar button on the Toolbar.
The Calendar helps you to efficiently manage events linked to Vine objects. You can edit, create or delete events from Calendar. In one Calendar view you can place events linked to several objects.
A today page can be configured for each role. The today page is the first page you see when you open a role page. If there is no special today page then a default one shows.
To open the Today page, click the Today button on the Toolbar.
The default Today page includes the Calendar, To-Do and Latest News panes:
The Calendar list schedules your appointments for today and the rest of the week. In addition, it includes a link Recent changes in your Calendar which shows events changed on your calendar by other users of Vine.
The Latest News list includes important company-wide events located in a special folder defined by the administrator.
The To-Do pane usually includes links to Projects and Events lists:
The Events list shows those events of your responsibility which are not marked as "done".
The Projects list shows the projects which you are responsible for and which are in a phase set by the administrator. Initially, projects in the Active phase are shown.
The contents of the Today page for each role can be customized by Vine International according to the specific needs of your company.
The Selection Tool is often used to combine, investigate by field and choose a list of objects for further operations. It displays Vine objects in a table with rows corresponding to objects and columns showing the fields of the listed objects.
To open the tool, click the Selection Tool button on the Toolbar.
You can select and add objects to the Selection Tool using drag-and-drop or by choosing Add To Selection Tool from the right-click shortcut menu.
You can right-click anywhere in the header row and select columns to be shown. Simply click in a column header if you want to sort by that column. For more sorting or filtering option click
You can create and save a number of view layouts for various purposes. The current layout is shown at the top of the Selection Tool.
The table data shown in the tool can be printed out.
The Selection Tool only shows objects of one type on a page. If objects of several types have been added to the tool, it creates a separate page for objects of each type. You can select the needed page from the list shown at the top of the Selection Tool, to the right of the current layout.
A plug-in is a software component that provides customized functionality in Vine. A plug-in can be of a general purpose type or it can be assigned to a particular type of object.
A plug-in assigned to a particular type of object can be executed by right-clicking an object of this type. If there are plug-ins associated with this type of object, you will find them at the bottom of the shortcut menu.
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