Getting Feedback with Vine Bot Forms
In this short 'how-to' page, we'll show you a simple way to collect quick feedback from your website visitors. We'll set up a bot form integrated into a chatbot. When visitors spend more than five minutes on your site, the form will pop up as a teaser, inviting them to start a chat by clicking on suggested responses. It will then guide them through a light conversation, asking questions and collecting responses. The programmed conversation flow adapts to both identified and anonymous visitors, allowing new visitors to register in your Vine database, potentially resulting in valuable leads.
Creating Feedback Bot Form
If you need detailed instructions on creating bot forms, please refer to the Bot Forms chapter.
- Step 1: Displayed only to identified persons. Greet the visitors by name and ask them the main question you want to get feedback about.
- Step 2: Same as step 1 but displayed only to anonymous persons.
- Step 3: Displayed to all visitors and includes the survey feedback options, preferably with emojis to enliven the survey flow. When selected, each option should be set to continue the survey flow at the next step (Step 4):
- Step 4: Thank the visitor for their answer and try to build up by asking for more details. :
Step 5: Provide YES/NO options so that the visitor can opt out of spending more time with your survey. Please note that the YES option should proceed to Step 6 to enter additional info, and the NO option should skip to Step 7:
YES option:
NO option:
Step 6: Displayed only for those who want to provide more details and skipped for others.
- Steps 7-10: Displayed for anonymous visitors. Ask for name and email. This step could be shown at the start of this bot for unknown visitors, but we recommend inserting it later; otherwise, some people might be turned off by a prompt asking for their personal data without clear reasons.
- Step 11. Add the Submit action. The Submit action sends the survey data to the Vine server for processing.
- Step 12: The final step to thank the customer for taking the survey. Set Next step to End to ensure no more steps can be executed after this one.
Configuring Bot Form to Appear in Chatbot
While you can embed this bot form on a page of your site, we highly recommend configuring it to automatically appear as a teaser in the chatbot under certain conditions:
For instance, let's configure the teaser to be shown for visitors spending at least 5 minutes on any web page with the URL starting from "". Here is how you can set it up:
- Navigate to Chatbot > Chatbot Rules in Vine Marketing Automation.
- Create a new rule to specify when the chatbot teaser should appear. Configure the rule with the following settings:
- Where & When to Show:
- Set the page where the rule is used: "*" to trigger the teaser on all web pages starting from "".
- When to show teaser: "Visitor has spent some time on the page"
- How long to wait before showing teaser: Set to 300 seconds
- Select "Show always" to ensure the teaser displays even if the visitor has previously interacted with the Vine chatbot on your site.
- Select "Bot Form" and then choose the bot form we created from the "Choose Bot Form to Show" list.
- How many days before showing teaser again: Set to 7, preventing visitors from seeing it more often than once per week.
- Select "Bot Form" and choose the bot form from the "Choose Bot Form to Show" list.
- Set "How many days before showing teaser again" to 7.
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