New in Vine
Language Field in Person Edit Form |
Now also Vine CRM application supports setting the preferred language for email communication for person. This new field is available in person edit form. |
MFA Improvements |
For multi-factor authentication we have added few improvements:
New in Marketing Automation
Dashboard |
There is all new page Dashboard to give you quick overview of how Vine is performing for you. This new Dashboard page is now the default page to show after login. In Dashboard you can for example see wherefrom in the world your visitors come. |
All New Getting Started Wizard |
We have greatly simplified the setup process for new customers. |
Customer Web Improvements |
It's now possible to use Google Fonts easily in Customer Web. Also it's possible to set separately the used font for header and button now. |
New One Line Form Template |
We added new nice looking form template which has everything in one line. This has been requested by customers. |
Easy Subscription Functionality for Subscription Lists |
It's now possible to easily and automatically create subscription form and related automation and welcome-email.
Other Changes |
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