Web Site Statistics
The top counters show:
- Page displays - shows how many times a page on your web site was opened in the last 30 days.
- All visitors - shows how many different people visited your site in the last 30 days.
- Identified visitors - how many known persons from the Vine database visited your site.
- Leads - shows how many sales leads appeared in the last 30 days.
The Visitors chart shows the following line graphs:
- Unidentified visitors - how many unknown people visited your web site each month.
- Identified visitors - how many persons from the Vine database visited your web site each month.
- Leads - how many leads appeared each month.
The Came From chart shows where your site visitors came from.
The Top Pages table lists web pages that were visited most often. Click Page Scores to open the Page Scores page where you can assign lead score values to web pages of your site.
The Last Visitors table lists persons who recently visited your web site. Click Events to see the detailed list of web site activities.
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