Welcome to the new REST API that we have introduced to help you manage contacts, companies, subscription lists, and tags in your Vine database. The Vine REST API is an interface that employs HTTP requests (GET, PUT, POST and DELETE) to interact with a Vine database.
Getting Started
The Vine Rest API is available to all Vine MA users. Availability of certain advanced features, like AI operations, varies based on your Vine MA plan. Before using the Vine Rest API, authentication is required, as unauthenticated users cannot make requests.
The root-endpoint is located at
In the Vine Rest API, authentication begins with the LOGIN request, generating a bearer token for subsequent REST requests.
1. Initial Authentication Using LOGIN request
For authentication in the Vine REST API, use the LOGIN request with your Vine API key. A successful LOGIN request returns a token for future calls.
Login Request using Vine MA API Key
curl -X GET -H "x-api-key:A92330D0425211ECA7C5454B9025CC97-13B0B98D-618C0D00"
This will return a bearer token like:
Include this token in your subsequent API request headers.
Note: It's highly recommended to use x-api-key for improved security and to ensure your code functions even if the password changes.
Login GET Request with Username and Password (Basic Authentication)
curl -X GET -u ""
Login POST Request with Username and Password Passed as JSON
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"","password":"demo"}'
2. Further Token-Based Authentication
After the Login request, use the bearer token in subsequent API request headers as follows:
API Request using Bearer Token
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer f4d04630-0565-11ee-936f-2fa22a85c2c5"
The token remains valid for 1 hour after the last usage.
Content Types
The Vine REST API service only accepts requests with the Content-Type header set to application/json for both POST and PUT requests. For most of the response data, the Vine REST service uses the application/json content type. However, for certain media-related requests, such as image generation, the content type image/jpeg is used. Client applications should handle these content types based on the returned Content-Type header. There is no requirement for the client to set the Accept header, as the Vine REST service will disregard it during request processing.
For detailed information about endpoints, parameters, request/response formats, and authentication methods, please consult the Vine REST API documentation and its Open API specification.
Usage Samples
How to Generate Typescript Client
Generating typescript client
docker run --rm -v \"${PWD}:/local\" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -i -g typescript-fetch --additional-properties importFileExtension=.js --additional-properties useSingleRequestParameter=false -o /local/openapi/client
How to Import Typescript Client
Importing typescript client
import { AuthenticationApi, Configuration, ContactApi, TagApi } from '../../client/index.js';
How to Use Typescript Client
Sample code (adding a tag for a person)
let defaultBasePath = '';
let authenticationApi = new AuthenticationApi(new Configuration({ basePath: defaultBasePath, apiKey: Config.vineRestApiKey }));
let bearerToken = await authenticationApi.login();
let contactApi = new ContactApi(new Configuration({ basePath: defaultBasePath, accessToken: bearerToken }));
let emailAddress = '';
let contacts = await contactApi.listContacts(emailAddress, 0, 1);
let contactID: number;
if (contacts?.length == 0) {
contactID = await contactApi.createContact({ email: emailAddress, firstName: currentUser.firstName, lastName: currentUser.lastName, mobilePhoneNumber: currentUser.mobilePhoneNumber });
} else {
contactID = contacts[0].id;
let tagApi = new TagApi(new Configuration({ basePath: defaultBasePath, accessToken: bearerToken }));
let tags = await tagApi.listTags('SOME_TAG');
let tagID: number;
if (tags.length == 0) {
tagID = await tagApi.createTag({ name: 'SOME_TAG' });
} else {
tagID = tags[0].id;
let tagResult = await contactApi.addTag(contactID, tagID);
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